AVS Hands-on Labs - Lab Objectives
In this lab you are going to learn how to connect to Azure VMware Solution to manage it and configure enterprise integrations. You will learn how to configure the foundation of AVS to make it ready for the hosted workloads. In addition, you will learn how to integrate and use some of the Azure services from workloads deployed in vSphere running on Azure VMware Solution. Specifically, we are going to deploy a VM in AVS and have it securely and privately access Azure Blob Storage service, later, we will configure the VM as a web server, enable public access to it and for last, the basics on how to deploy an Application Gateway as load balancer in front of it.
You can also experience AVS deployment and VMware HXC Migration, which are optional to the scope of this training, but they are highly recommended to go through. VMware has provided simulation labs for each of them. These labs are available 24/7 and are sperate from the lab environment given in this training. You’ll see them in LAB-1 and LAB12B.