AVS HOL LAB1 – Azure VMware Solution Deployment
Azure VMware Solution Deployment Lab
Since the deployment is an important step in the end-to-end process you will be using a VMware Hands-On Lab (HoL) to understand and follow the steps required for the deployment. This HoL provided by VMware is not a live Azure environment, it’s a simulation. So, you’ll follow the steps as is without being able to change configurations.
In this lab, you will get an overview of Azure VMware Solution. You will go through the steps to deploy a Private Cloud, connect the private cloud to an Azure Virtual Network, and access vCenter for your Azure VMware Solution private cloud.
You’ll need to register (create an account) at VMware Hands-On Lab platform to access the lab.
The instructions on how to register at VMware Hands-On Lab platform will be provided during the training if needed. Feel free to ask for them anytime. Registration is Free.
Lab Link
Azure VMware Solution Private Cloud Deployment and Connectivity