Module 1: Python


Welcome to the Python course for the EDSP mentoring program!

Python is the most widely used data science programming language in the world today. Below you will find a list of core Python concepts you’ll need as you begin your journey into Data Science and Machine Learning.

We don’t dig into specific frameworks, but we help get you ready to start exploring on your own.

What you’ll learn

  • The basics of Python
  • Variables & Data Types
  • Data Structures
  • For Loops & Conditions
  • Writing Functions
  • Plotting Data
  • Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames
  • Libraries

Before you begin

The learning material reported in the Table of Contents below is available from this link:

Topic Kickoff

Resources Links
Presentation Presentation as PDF
Recording Recording

Table of Contents

Time Resources Links
  Setup Setup
00:00 Running and Quitting Running and Quitting
00:15 Variables and Assignment Variables and Assignment
00:35 Data Types and Type Conversion Data Types and Type Conversion
00:55 Built-in Functions and Help Built-in Functions and Help
01:20 Morning Coffee Break
01:35 Libraries Libraries
01:55 Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames Reading Tabular Data into DataFrames
02:15 Pandas DataFrames Pandas DataFrames
02:45 Plotting Plotting
03:15 Lunch Break
04:00 Lists Lists
04:20 For Loops For Loops
04:45 Conditionals Conditionals
05:10 Looping Over Data Sets Looping Over Data Sets
05:25 Afternoon Coffee Afternoon Coffee
05:40 Writing Functions Writing Functions
06:05 Variable Scope Variable Scope
06:25 Programming Style Programming Style
07:25 Pandas merge & joins Pandas merge & joins
08:00 Group by Pandas groupby
08:15 Wrap-Up Wrap-Up
08:30 Break Break
10:30 Numpy Numpy

Additional Resources/Optional

If you have a DataCamp account, you can complete the curriculum above by completing the following DataCamp Python courses:

Advanced Learning Material / Optional

After completing the curriculum in the Table of Contents, if you’d like to go deeper in more advanced topics, feel free to complete the following learning material:

Test your knowledge

If you have a DataCamp account you can practice your Python skills using the following links:

Python Notebook Challenge

Test your new Python skills by solving the quiz/reply questions on the notebook below: